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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Easy DIY for Your Home

Because this is a three day weekend for most, I went looking for some quick and easy diy projects for the home.  I struck gold at  That site and magazine are a treasure of things for the home.

All of the directions for the projects can be found here.  Here's what the projects are about.

Store herbs within reach
Do you like having fresh herbs at your fingertips? Keeping them on your counter takes up valuable space and doesn't expose them to enough light. Try this easy storage idea: Install a wire shelf between the upper cabinets flanking your kitchen window. You can set your plants where they'll get plenty of light without blocking the view. This also makes watering easy and keeps them readily available for snipping. Make sure to install the shelf high enough so you don't bump into it when you're working at the sink.

Elisa Bernick
Associate Editor

Keep frequently used stuff accessible
What's hiding under your kitchen sink? If the space under your sink is anything like ours, it's an overcrowded jumble of cleaning supplies, sponges and plastic bags. I came up with a great way to store these items right on the door of the sink cabinet. I cut a plastic storage tub in half with a utility knife and screwed it to the inside of the cabinet door through the plastic lip at the top of the tub. Just make sure you position it so you can shut the cabinet door when all your bags and other supplies are in the bin.

Alexy E. Pagan
Field Editor

Mount plastic crates on the wall
We don't have cabinets or shelves in our tiny laundry room, so I bought inexpensive plastic crates at a discount store and created my own wall of cubbies. I just screwed them to the wall studs using a fender washer in the upper corner of each crate for extra strength. The crates hold a lot of supplies, and they keep tippy things like my iron from falling over.

Angie Copeland
Field Editor

Keep fruit off the counter
Oh, sure, you can just set your fruit bowl anywhere on your countertop. But you'll free up valuable counter space if you put your fruit in a basket on the end of an upper cabinet near your kitchen sink. The fruits and veggies will ripen nicely, and they'll look beautiful too. Wire baskets work well because they allow light and air to circulate for even ripening. You'll find them at discount, office supply and organization stores. The basket is from Target.

Elisa Bernick
Associate Editor

Hope your weekend is going well.  Meanwhile .... keep it simple and make it real.



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