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Monday, June 10, 2013


Soon gardeners will be harvesting their crops of zucchini and perhaps will need some ideas for cooking the bountiful crops.

Here are two recipes I have tried and love.  Roasting and baking veggies are two of my favorite ways to cook them.

Take a look.

This recipe is so easy and so delicious. Trying this recipe from Budget Savvy Diva was a pleasure as was eating them.   Click here for all the details.
Once again the internet is causing me headaches.  I cannot upload the pic of Baked Zucchini Chips created by Nutritionist in the Kitch.   They are delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare.  Christal's goal is to create dishes that are "guiltless pleasures".  Please click here for the pic and recipe. 
Go forth and roast and bake.  Meanwhile .... keep it simple and make it real.


  1. I'll add these 2 to my courgette recipe list. Thank you.
    Love from Mum

  2. I love summer veggies...and grilled zucchini
