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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DIY Organization Ideas

Are you tired of every magazine, blog, advertisement and home tv show telling you should become organized, how to become organized and what to use to be organized?  January is the month of organizing.  We are supposed to start fresh for the new year and become much better than the slobs we turned into last year (I say this in the kindest way).  January is the month that most people try to recover from November and December.  Enough, already!!

However, there are some things that brighten this organization frenzy because they are DIY which means they save money while putting your somewhat frazzled life in order (at least until June).

You all know I how I love the Curbly website.  They present the best ideas around.  Soooooo, I am going to share some of their organization ideas here and lead you to the website that will give you even more.  See how good I am to you?!  (applause!)

I am going to post some pics and talk about a couple of them.  They are my personal favorites and I will be duplicating them.  Take a look...

Number 6 is a favorite of mine.  How simple yet so useful.  Why didn't we think of this?

Number 11 is another favorite because I need to have things at eye level and bright for me to pay attention.  This is so much better than having a wall full of post-its.

This time it is number 9 that is a favorite.  I think that this was made but I think it would be even better if one used a papertowel holder and ribbon or burlap strips.  What do you think? 
Please click here to advance to the article by Capree and get inspired.
Let's hope that you are happy with these ideas.
Meanwhile.... keep it simple and make it real.


  1. Love No 6 I am going to try that one.

    1. Yes! I just have to find a bottle that size.

  2. Get 2 Jeanne and make me one, too, ok?? :D

  3. I have just found your fantastic blog! I look forward to learning lots from you :)

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Your blog will be a learning experience for me because I know nothing of life in the outback.
